Friday, May 24, 2013

New camera love

I took my new camera (Fujifilm x100s) for a spin recently.  A couple weeks ago, on a beautifully sunny and calm Mother's day, I started out with a quick job at Stinson Park covering a cycling event for women and their daughters called CycloFemme.

I had my 'real' camera for what I thought would be a majority of the shots, but I wanted to test out the new rangefinder's ability to shoot very high shutter speed (to control the sunlight) and use a lower power/small flash to fill the shadows. I know, camera geek speak, but that was part of the reason I used to justify buying a $1,300 camera with a fixed 35mm lens.

Well, it worked exactly as expected. After the event was over, I stuck around for the farmers market to open at 9. Undoubtably one of my favorite spots in town this time of year. Between my multiple trips between various vendors and my car (I bought a ton of fresh veggies and many starter plants) I ended up running into multiple friends, made some new ones and luckily had my new camera in hand. Quite a great start to the day. 

I capped off the day at my buddy Mark's 40th birthday party and, of course, still had my new toy in hand. Rather than being the dork with a big professional camera and lens, I was just the creepy guy taking random photos in near darkness. A role I'm well accustomed to these days. Oh, and did I mention this thing practically sees in the dark? 

All in all, it was one of the best days of the year so far. A little work, a lot of play and some great times with friends. In case you're wondering, I took some time to call my mom and wish her a happy Mother's Day and chat about the weather.